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Thank you for an amazing August

Thank you for an amazing August

Good afternoon everyone!

Why we haven’t written during August? for you. Thanks to you it has been an August without break, record, historical. 24h delivering alcohol, managing your villas, boats to Formentera, to Cala Jondal, to secret coves, to all sites... Rental cars, motorcycles, jeeps, vans, many wranglers... Having to be with you at the tables of the best clubs and beach clubs of Ibiza and restaurants, and even a couple of private jets at the airport, without forget all the private parties in villas and apartments that we have been… thank you for all the work you have given us!

Very pleased how it went August and seeing September with less volume but if even possible, more quality people. And it’s that we have begun this month better than the last, which makes us to think about the increasingly diversification that have Ibiza during holiday months, extending the season from April to late October… Where by the way, are the closings: those ten days of pure madness in all the white island!

From now promise to return to update the blog every week to keep you informed of the latest news on the island, of drink home ibiza and upcoming the new projects underway!

Thanks again for your love and trust!

Welcome to all who will come these next few weeks!

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